  • If you’ve ended up here, there’s a good chance you’ve had a parking fine and are wondering what to do next. You might be confused about whether or not you have to pay the parking fine, and what your rights are as a motorist here in the UK.

    We’ve put together a library of useful information for people that are looking for answers to the most commonly asked questions about parking tickets.

    First things first, there are two main types of parking ticket that you will receive. Below, we will outline both types and provide links to take you to the pages that can help you navigate the type of parking ticket you’ve received.

    Council parking fines (Penalty Charge Notices)

    The first type of parking fine that you may receive is what’s known as a penalty charge notice (also referred to as a PCN). These are issued by the local council for breaking parking rules in that locality.

    You’ll receive a penalty charge notice or council parking fine either in the locality you live in, or one that you’ve driven to, but broken the parking rules. This means that you can receive a penalty charge notice even if you don’t live in that locality.

    These fines are enforceable, and you’re also able to appeal against these kinds of fines if you don’t think you did anything wrong. We’ve put together an extensive guide on council parking fines which includes your rights, information on how to appeal and lots of other useful information that will help you with your penalty charge notice journey.

    Follow the link above or below to visit that page!

    Complete Guide to Council Parking Fines: Everything You Need to Know

    penalty charge notice

    Private parking fines (Parking Charge Notices)

    The second type of parking fine you’ll receive is called a parking charge notice (also referred to as a PCN). These are issued by private car park operators for breaking rules and regulations set out in private car parks across the UK.

    These can often be confused with penalty charge notices as they carry the same acronym of PCN. This is thought to have been purposefully put in place by private parking operators because parking charge notices are not legally enforceable when they’re issued. 

    However, this doesn’t mean they won’t ever be legally enforceable. We’ve put together an extensive guide on private parking fines which details how to appeal if you don’t believe it was rightfully issued, your rights, and loads of other useful information too.

    Follow the link above or below to continue your private parking fine journey!

    Complete Guide to Private Parking Fines: Everything You Need to Know

    parking charge notice

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