  • What are Some Great Excuses for Parking Ticket Appeals?

    What are Some Great Excuses for Parking Ticket Appeals

    If you’ve had a parking ticket issued to you recently, then there’s a good chance that you’ve wondered how you might be able to get out of paying for it. It’s not very commonly known, but there are actually a lot of great excuses or reasons that you can use to successfully appeal your parking […]

    Appealing a Parking Ticket in 2024: Complete Step-by-Step Guide

    Appealing a Parking Ticket in 2024 Complete Step-by-Step Guide

    If you’ve received a parking ticket and don’t think you should pay, you might be wondering what your rights are. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Did you know that there are 23,000 private parking tickets and nearly 20,000 council issued parking tickets issued every month here in the UK? That’s a staggering amount!  Getting a […]

    "This has been a massive weight off my shoulders"

    Are you ready to do something about your debts? Don’t spend another day ‘thinking’ about it. Take control of your finances by clicking the link below and filling in the short form.